Certified Agents
Only player agents certified by the National Hockey League Players' Association are permitted to represent players in their dealings with NHL clubs. The NHLPA regulates the conduct of player agents under its Regulations Governing Agent Certification. The Agent Regulations set out the various terms under which agent duties must be performed, and include standards of conduct with which agents must comply. The NHLPA has the power to suspend, restrict, or terminate the certification of any agent for violation of these Agent Regulations.
The Agent Regulations also set out the procedure by which certification may be granted. Prospective agents must submit an application form and related materials detailing their education, background, their current business and personal relationships, as well as previous business dealings. The applications are then thoroughly reviewed by NHLPA staff, which may make further inquiries or conduct investigations before any decision regarding an applicant's certification has been rendered.
A request to receive application materials must be made in writing, either by email, fax, or regular mail to:
Please include contact information your request for application materials, including your full name, home address, telephone number and email address.
National Hockey League Players AssociationAgent Certification Application Request
10 Bay Street, Suite 1200
Toronto, ON M5J 2R8
Agent List

Allan Walsh
Octagon Athlete Representation
16830 Ventura Blvd., Suite 501Encino, California

John Walters
The Will Sports Group

Edward Ward
Newport Sports Management Inc.

Dustin Wenger
I-C-E Hockey Agency
555 Third St.London, Ontario
Canada, N5V 2C1

Matthew Williams
CAA Hockey

Ritchie Winter
Wintersports Ltd. Operating as Raze Sports