Beleskey Gives Back in Barrie
Matt Beleskey donated goalie equipment to his hometown through the NHLPA Goals & Dreams fund
Matt Beleskey donated goalie equipment to his hometown through the NHLPA Goals & Dreams fund
NHL Players amongst the growing throng of fans cheering and showing their support for Canada’s only MLB team
Matt Beleskey scored the OT winner for the Ducks leaving them a win away from the Stanley Cup Final
A shoulder injury has sidetracked his standout season for the time being, but Matt Beleskey has still found a way to make beautiful music, so to speak.
NHL Players the focus of this new behind the scenes/lifestyle video series
Matt Beleskey doesn’t like to lose, whether it’s a tough end to a season or being on the losing end of a fishing trip with his dad. As the season draws near, Beleskey is ready to help take the Ducks far this season.
Matt Beleskey puts all distractions aside as hockey reigns supreme during Ducks’ playoff run